What is Oedipus Rex all about

At the beginning of the play, a group of people comprising of citizens of Thebes gather around the palace where king Oedipus resides. When the king notices this, he moves out of the palace and goes to the crowd to enquire of what is going on. He asks the priest who was in the crowd, why people were praying while crying at the same time and the priest informs him that a plague had befallen the people of Thebes and that is why they were praying to their gods to end it. He continued to explain that,...

Demonstrate the influence of Commedia dellArte on French classical comedy theatre (17th -18th century)

The  term  Commedia  dellarte  interprets  as  the  comedy  of  skills  which  is  an  inventive  style  of  that  commenced  in  the  sixteenth  century  Europe,  thereby,  flourishing  for  two  successful  centuries.  The  actors  which  performed  were  from  traveling  organizations,  and  performed  outdoors...

An Analysis of Acting Styles

Different theatrical genres call for different acting styles, and with the openness of todays society to various different forms these styles have come to reach mainstream consciousness. These styles are employed in order to convey the intrinsic meaning of a specific piece. At the same time, it is also helpful in relating to the audience the intentions of the directors vision, though it might veer away from the original depiction on the text. Such dynamics are prevalent in the comparison of two...

The Globe Theater

Globe Theater was built between 1597 and 1598 by Peter Smith and his workers who was a carpenter at the time. It was built after demolition of an original theater that was known as the theater by a landlord because of disagreement between the landlord and the theater company. This occurred after a 21 year lease that they had been given by the landlord who was called Giles Allen expired and because he the landlord was not pleased with the theoretical productions that were taking place and theater...
Theatrics activities are sometimes considered to be mere entertainment with no moral lessons or career opportunities. The participants are looked at as comedians or dramatizers out to entertain the audience and that is it. This kind of perception is ill founded since there is a lot of richness in theatrics. This study seeks to explore this valuable aspect through several tests procedures either to the teachers specializing in theatre or students taking part in such theatrics activities. These tests...

Analyzing Lieutenant of Inishmore by Martin McDonagh

In Northern Ireland, as two soldiers approached a pizza delivery vehicle to pick up their orders, they were attacked by Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA) members armed with automatic fire guns. Instantly, the two soldiers as well as two pizza delivery guys were shot and injured. As the soldiers lay on the ground, bloodied and harmless, the gunmen approached and executed them. This incident occurred not in an action movie, nor even decades ago in fact, this sudden and brutal killing happened barely...

All My Sons by Arthur Miller

It started on a small town in America. In that town lived Joe and Kate Keller who owned a manufacturing plant with their neighbour and close family friend, Steve Deever with his daughter Ann and son George. The Keller had two sons, Larry who is Anns girlfriend, and Chris. When the Second World War started, both Larry and Chris were drafted along with George, their friend. During the war around 1943, the manufacturing business of the Keller and Deever family prospered, supplying airplane parts...