Picasso at the Lapin Agile

    Generally, woman is one of the major parts of a mans life. In the play Picasso at the Lapin Agile, woman gave a very significant role on mans behavior. Woman gives a huge impact on how a man thinks and behaves  when Picasso is showing desire with Suzanne. In connection to the other plays like Noah and Pierre Pathelin, woman is shown to be good and loyal where the wife of the bartender in the play, in contrast, unfaithful. On the other hand, we can see that woman of this plays is more of a helping hand to man than a person that is bound to be in a pure relationship with him. It can also be seen that woman are treated like sex objects and for pleasure purposes only of man.
    In the play, marriage has a little significance when it comes to relationship. It only serves as a formality of connection between two people. It merely justifies the acts of the woman whether she is cheating her husband or not. Today, institution of marriage is very important because it administer justification for sexual relationship between man and a woman. The system of marriage guarantees both partners that they must treat each other as a real person and that they are bound to a sacred relationship.
    In case of morality, depending on how a society established its ethics. Most of modern society agrees to the righteousness of marriage. Sexual relationships that are outside the system of marriage are considered to be objectively wrong done to woman. Even though woman agreed to this kind of relationship, she is committing adultery in the widest sense where in fact pre-marital relationships are considered to be morally bad.
    In the play, women are not treated equally with man. They are not allowed to give opinions and they are most likely to be sex materials for men. It can also be seen that theyre shrewish ness is a bit exaggerated  wife of the bartender is a harsh nagger. Woman in this play is viewed as helpmate of her husband and is not considered as a genuine partner of man, for example, the wife of the bartender revealed her relationship with Picasso. Woman possess a different psychology rather than being an egotistical or sexual reflections of her husband because in the play we it can be seen that she has a different mind setting. She gives her own opinions and imparts all her feelings about sexual relationship. She also tells her stories of fantasies and romance where it contradicts on how man viewed sexual relationship based on their experience.

    It can be perceived in the play that there is a little difference regarding societal norms about women and marriage at the historical time of the play. Woman does not value marriage that much like man who does not give that much worth to a woman. But, there is a big difference between the treatment of marriage and woman at that time in relative to what people experience now. Ideally, today, if two persons that are united by marriage and are religiously attached, it can be seen that these people really value their relationship. Although there are many cases of unsuccessful marriage (divorce), man still value his wife sacredly and treat her more fairly. Unlike in the play, woman are treated unjust where theyre opinion has less meaning and they are most likely to be a helping hand to their husband.

    Watching the play is a great experience, it is very entertaining and at the same time audience will learn how to value heterosexual relationship. This kind of relationship is a great necessity because it is the only way to continue the existence of man. There is also dissatisfaction to this kind of relationship  man having multiple relationships with other woman or woman cheating her husband. In the end, it is very fulfilling to be engaged in this relationship where man and woman achieved what they desire that the same sex cannot give.


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