All three are walking down the busy street. They came out of the liquor store and are carrying a few bottles for their party in Nicks apartment

Kele James Shut up Nick.
Ryan (smiles, while looking at the street lights and sign posts.)
Nick James, you might be the biggest star at school, but those damn chicks dont know the size of your brain
(Ryan laughs harder)
Kele James one more word from you and Im gonna shove my fist down your throat
Ryan chill my friend. Knuckle head over there got detention for hitting the vending machine.
Nick I wouldnt if it gave me what I paid for (kicks.)
Ryan yeah, how I wish you checked the note that said that your soda was not available. How stupid can you get
Nick Wise ass.
Kele James Stupid.
(Kele James reaches to his pocket for something.)
Nick Did you forget your brain in your pocket
(Kele James throws a jab at Nicks arm)
Nick Aww Geez man
(After a few minutes, the gang reaches the last corner before Nicks apartment.)
Ryan (Checks out the windows upstairs to see if anyone has gotten in) Lets see
(Nick went straight for the door and turned the knob to see a bunch of people from school)
Ryan Hey, Julie (Waves at the girl she knows from one of his classes) Looks like everyone is here already.
Nick (Whispers to Ryan) Yeah We shall be enlightened. Let our hearts lead the way to heavenslegs
Ryan And if I dont get there Im gonna screw you with a pogo stick (turns to Kele James) How did we meet this guy anyway (Kele James laughs while Nick chants with eyes closed at the background - clitoris, clitoris, clitoris feel me)
(The three started to move towards the crowd while talking and dodging some people along the way. They finally sat down at the couch amidst the drinking and dancing of everyone else in the room)
Ryan Hey man, Ive heard you are getting into something
Kele James Yeah, Im into Lily, the new girl Shes so fine and
Ryan I meant another something
Kele James Well, even the holiest of holies get tempted and we are human dude, we get into trouble sometimes
Ryan You know that you aint gonna go anywhere with that.
Nick Ow he is going somewhere alright
Ryan Nick
Kele James Well, Im not into the settling down stage yet, Im so young man
Nick Oooooh Mr. bachelor huh.
Ryan You very well know Im not talking about Lily man.
(Kele James becomes silent)
Nick (looking far away) I know MEXICO has lots of nice
Ryan James, you are the star of the football team. There is much potential in you and many are afraid youll throw it all away.
Nick The idea is fine with me, at least I aint that affected.
Ryan Nick, nobodys asking for your opinion.
Nick You dont talk to me like that young man
Ryan what the are you losing some screws (he turned his attention back to James) James, we are just concerned. Youve been skipping classes as well as football practice. We just wanted to see if you were really into drugs and now we have confirmed it. James, dont throw your career away, many would like to be in your position, popular, football star, college scholarship offers, and you are just throwing it all away.
Kele James I am making a living out of this. I dont have to go to school. I know a few who dropped out of school and now own a Porsche and good estates in the bay area. If you arent street smart, and wise, you aint gonna survive in this world This is the goal of living, to survive and since money is the driving factor in making your survival and your overall lifestyle better, then Im all ears on anything that will get me that easy money. I dont have to run fields, execute plays. All I have to do is bring the goods to those who need it, like a distribution model of business.
Nick It is different James when you earn a clean living. You do not know how many lives you are destroying because you make these drugs available. You wouldnt know the effects of drugs on people. Can you sleep at night if you eventually knew that the persons you sell pot to get into road accidents, shooting incidents and suicide Religion aside, Dont you think that spurring something wrong in this world is a selfish way of survival I dont see beggars selling pot, so why should you So why should you think you need the money far more than they do Well, who is the PEA BRAIN NOW
(Some of the popular girls from their school went in and their conversation came to a halt when the girls forced them to dance. They approached the bar after dancing. Nick prepared for an open bar and asked one of his cousins to serve as the bartender knowing that he took a class on bartending when he was in college)
Ryan (orders the bartender) vodka please.
Kele James same here, and please pass the nuts.
Nick Thats what she said
Nick hey Dave, Ill have a double
Nick SWEET. (whispers to Ryan and James) She likes my sister 
(Ryan and James laugh out loud)
(after a few minutes Ryan tells the guys to stay put, hell just meet a friend. Suspicious, both say yes but suddenly tailed on James)
(James took out bags of weed. And talked to some people in the corner of the room.)
Ryan (In an inconspicuous area with Nick) I knew it. Damn this guys in trouble.
(James took a stick out of his pocket and lit it. He smokes away and gives a taste to his customers)
(Ryan and Nick went back to their seats as James turned his back to return to his friends.)
Kele James Hey guys.
Nick (intentionally coughs while saying the words) Junky
(Ryan looks sternly at Nick.)
Kele James What 
(Nick still smiling)
Kele James What
Nick (intentionally coughs while saying the words) whore junky. Whore junky.
Kele James Do you have something to say besides that punk (grinds his fists)
Ryan Hey, lets cool it.
Kele James What were you saying wiseguy Huh
Ryan Lets get out of here.
(Kele James pushes Nick as they go outside)
Nick Hey watch it
Kele James What were you saying
Ryan James, we saw you selling pot and smoking too.
Kele James Well that is none of your freakin business.
 (All three went outside and Nick and James got into a fist fight, James landing the first punch on Nick, while Nick retaliated a punch back to James. Kele James made a good kick on Ryan when he tried to break the fight, collared Nick and thrown to the side of the truck and gave him three good punches on the face. Ryan comes up from behind and choked Kele James. Both Ryan and Kele James fall to the ground with the same choking stance when Kele James tapped Ryan.)
Ryan  (releases choke and breathes heavily) fuck.
(Kele James breathes like a boy with asthma and coughs heavily)
(Nick is still down unconsciously leaning on the side of a truck.)
Ryan (rushes to Nick) Hey man, are you alright
(Nick was silent even after 3 calls of Ryan.)
Ryan Hey man, we are not in Pullman, you better wake your sorry ass (Ryan continues to shake Nick)
Kele James Hes just knocked out really good. Damn that was fine.
Ryan Yeah, and is almost loosing breathe good too
Kele James Well, you got me from behind you moron.
Ryan (turns to Nick and checks his pulse) Well, he still has a strong pulse alright.
Kele James I told you the asshole is just wondering in never land. Hell be back.
Nick (mumbles) mommy
Ryan (laughs) Hey Ricky Hatton, get up.
Nick Where am I (holds left cheek) Damn that hurt.
Kele James (laughs conservatively while he brushes his hair.) Its a good thing you still have your jaw intact. You could have looked a jawless fossilized dinosaur.
Nick Wow you know about dinosaurs Thats not new, youve got the same pea brain.
(All three laugh it out when they suddenly hear sirens from a police car. All three ran as fast as they could.)
Kele James Im in serious thought, guys. You are right. Thank you.
Nick We are outta here You owe us one James
Kele James Shut up and keep running (All three laughing)


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