Noises Off by Michael Frayn

1)  What was being attempted
Noises Off is a play within a play that attempts to depict the onstage and backstage frolics of a mediocre cast ensemble who are attempting to stage a cringe worthy sex farce.  The play attempts to portray the reality of theatre life and the unpredictable nature of staging a performance.  It tries to show the audience what really happens behind the scenes and how a playwrights dreams can turn into a nightmare as the play unfolds. 
In the play Noise Off the onstage play is a total disaster.  Actors forget their lines,  rivals attempt to damage one anothers performances, props are mishandled and people miss their cues.  The intention is to create a farce within a farce that provides the viewer with an opportunity to view the inner workings of a theatre production in an amusing manner.

2) Were the intentions achieved
I believe the intentions were achieved through two main mechanisms.  Through including all the archetypal characters traditionally associated with a farce and then incorporating them into the behind the scenes play, Frayn effectively creates an extremely amusing parody of theatre life.  The comedy associated with the sham characters is given an additional dimension and deepens the characatures.

A further way in which the intentions are achieved is through the repetition contained within the storyline.  The audience witnesses three versions of the play the dress rehearsal, the play as witnessed by the cast from behind the scenes and the play from the audiences perspective.  This helps to achieve the intentions by familiarize the audience with the way in which the play is supposed to be running.  By Act III the audience is familiar with the lines the actors and actresses are supposed to be speaking, and the exits and entrances they are supposed to be use, and can therefore enjoy the mistakes the cast make more. The only exception to this is the stereotypical dumb blonde, who carries on her own lines regardless of what is going on around her, causing further issues for the rest of the cast to deal with.  As an audience we are to observe how they deal with these mistakes and the hilarious consequences of the decisions they make.  We thus gain an insight into what really goes on behind the scenes of a production.

3) Was the attempt worthwhile
The play was funny and interesting.  It provides an insight into theatre life and gives the audience a view of what really goes on behind the curtains.  Although the action is fascicle and over the top, you can gain snapshots into the working life of the production crew and the director and can empathize with the ways in which hours (even years) of hard work and dedication can go so spectaculary wrong.
The attempt to portray the play within the play and the reality of what goes on behind the scenes is potentially more worthwhile for people who have experience in staging a production.  There will be elements of the story that they can relate to and they will thus be able to associate more with the content and the jokes.

At times the story can be slightly confusing as you going back and forth between two different storylines that are being played out on the same stage.  However, this is precisely what the objective of the play is and, providing you can keep up with the story, the result is hilarious.


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